Filtering a Voter List by Tags

Launch your Reach App.

Intro. Slide
  1. Start at your My Reach menu.
Slide 1

2.  Select the “Filters & Prefs” menu.

Slide 2

3.  Select the “Tags” dropdown, under Filters.

Slide 3

4.  A.) Select the tag(s) you want. You can choose more than one tag. 

This is an example of tag selections for voters who live in a place with a March municipal election and were signed up for a mail ballot for '24 but have not yet renewed their request.

Once you've made your selection(s), select the “Done” button at the top to filter your list.

Image selection for both NOt VBM and Mar municipal marked

You'll land on a screen that will show you the tag(s) you've selected. If you select more than one and want to filter your list to only people with all selected tags, then select that option.

Then select "Apply."

Image shows Mun & No VBM tags HLF
  1. You’ll arrive back at your “My Reach” screen. You should see that a filter has been applied. Your list should now only include people in the category you’ve filtered for.
Slide 6

7.  To undo a filter, select “Filters and Preferences” again.

Slide 7

8.  Select the “X” to the right of the tag name to remove it.

Image Removing Tags HL

9. Lastly,  select “Apply.” Once you've removed all your tags you should be returned to your full list.

Slide 9
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