Help your voters sign up for a mail ballot

Once you've identified a voter who is not signed up to vote by mail, the next step is to help them sign up. This training will provide tools you can use to help them sign up.



You can contact your voters directly from their home screen. For this particular voter, you have the options to reach out via text, phone call, or email—all highlighted in blue.



For this voter, you can contact them by text and phone call; as you can see, these options are highlighted in blue. However, the email option is not highlighted, indicating that the Pinellas Supervisor of Elections voter file does not have an email on record for this voter. If you wish to contact them using email or other information not in Reach, you can add it. Click here to learn how.



To contact your voter using the Reach app, choose the preferred method to contact your voter. For example, you can opt for text messaging.


At the next screen you will find three "script" options— three types of mail ballot information that you can send to your voter. Begin by selecting the message you wish to send.


Ideally you'll start by encouraging your voter to check their mail ballot status on the Supervisor of Elections website. Our voter information is sourced from the Pinellas Supervisor of Elections voter file, but the Supervisor's records are always the most up to date data source. We encourage all voters to learn how to check their voting status, to ensure that their registration is current and to monitor their mail ballot status during elections. Click here for more information about checking your voting and mail ballot status.


Choose the script you want to use, then select "Use this script" at the bottom of the screen.


Select "Text Mobile."


You'll land in a text message that is ready to be personalized to send to your voter. The message includes a link to instructions for checking mail ballot status on the Supervisor's site, as well as a link for signing up for a mail ballot if they haven't already done so. You should edit the message so that it is like any other message that you would send to your voter.


The "how to sign up" script provides instructions for signing up for a mail ballot. It doesn't include steps for checking mail ballot status. Use this option when you are certain your voter has not yet signed up for a mail ballot.


Select the "Why sign up for a mail ballot" option for voters who may need convincing or additional information.


The preloaded "Why sign up" message assumes that you have spoken with your voter. If your voter has never used a mail ballot and is hesitant about this option, they may not be convinced to sign up with just a text message. Talking directly with them about mail ballot voting allows you to understand and address their concerns.


Before contacting a voter who has never used a mail ballotor is reluctant to renew their mail ballot request, familiarize yourself with the reasons for mail ballot voting so you can address concerns. Click here for the webpage outlining reasons to sign up for a mail ballot, categorized into three groups.


Some voters mistakenly believe they must vote in person to ensure their vote is counted. In fact mail ballot voting is the best way to guarantee that your vote is counted, since you can confirm that your vote is counted before Election Day. Click here for more information.


You can also highlight that mail ballot voting is the most convenient voting option. Click here for more information.


If your voter insists on voting on Election Day, suggest they sign up for a mail ballot as a backup. This way, they can still vote in person, but having a mail ballot will minimize the risk of unforeseen circumstances preventing them from voting on Election Day. Signing up for a mail ballot greatly increases the chance that your voter will vote. Click here for more information.


After contacting your voter, please return to the survey screen to update the voter's status. Select each option that applies.


After completing the survey, make sure to save your selections before exiting the screen.


If you forget to click "Save," the system will remind you.


We'll update the voter information, so you check back later to see whether your voter has sign up for a mail ballot.


When the time comes to help your voters in the August primary, you can easily transfer your voter list to the Voter Action Pinellas campaign. Click here to find out how.

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