How We're Organized

Voter Action Pinellas is a 100% volunteer organization based in Pinellas County, Florida, built and strengthened through personal connections with friends, family, and others in our communities. Voter Action Pinellas is made up of two organizations:

  • ​Vote Blue Network of Florida, Inc., a Florida non-profit corporation that is registered as a Florida political committee.
  • Voter Action Network, Inc., a Florida non-profit corporation to be registered as a federal non-connected committee.

We’re committed to an inclusive democracy – one that empowers its citizens to exercise their right to vote.

So we’re helping voters at every stage of the voting process, from voter registration to Election Day.

And we’re using our most effective mobilizing resource - personal connections with friends, family, and others in our Pinellas County communities.

Our Organizing Principles

We organize with respect, empowerment, and inclusion.


In our internal and external communications, we address concerns directly and quickly with communication that:

    • is professional and polite, free from personal attacks;
    • seeks and builds on common purpose;
    • assumes that others are acting with good intentions; and
    • is based on verified facts.


Our highest priority is to empower voters and volunteers. We’re establishing procedures to quickly respond to people who want to help and provide them with tools to get to work.

​Knowledge is power. We’re committed to vetting voter issues and providing concise and complete information for our volunteer community so that they can be a significant resource for their network of voters.

​We promptly answer volunteer questions and other requests for guidance.

​We continually seek feedback from our front-line volunteers and organizers. We understand that a suggestion for improvement is an opportunity to empower a volunteer to increase their participation.


We treat volunteers as valued members of our community, not employees. We want them to spend their valuable time empowering voters. So rather than issue directives, we provide opportunities to work, and help them understand how that work is valuable.

​We seek to maximize channels of communication among volunteers and organizers. We freely share resources and information with volunteers and other like-minded groups, placing restrictions only as necessary to ensure adequate security.

​We take a grassroots, rather than a top-down, approach to decision-making. We make decisions based on input from as broad a base of volunteers and community members as possible.

​We seek input from our diverse Pinellas County communities so that we can support outreach that empowers community leaders to meet their community’s unique needs. We seek to collaborate with like-minded groups.


A community that votes for social justice and inclusive democracy.

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