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Early Voting & Ballot Box Locations:

For Secure Mail Ballot Return Locations click HERE, an image will open, then you can share it!

For Early Voting Locations:  Click on an image below, it will open, then you can share it!


J.W. Cate Rec Center




Supervisor of Elections Office


Supervisor of Elections Office


Supervisor of Elections Office


How to Get Started Connecting with Voters:

At Voter Action Pinellas, we strongly encourage voting early, voting by mail and down the entire ballot.

We have an effective and easy approach to do this (over 60% of the voters who we contacted, voted in the Primary - that’s significantly higher than the 24% turnout countywide).


  1. Download Reach App to your phone or computer and scroll to Voter Action Pinellas.
  2. Look through your contacts on your phone or computer. You can also search neighbors on your street. Message them by email, text or phone call and ask if they want to receive a voter guide from you. Sample message: Hi, I am working with a great resource, Voter Action Pinellas who will help us be victorious in upcoming elections. I’m voting because….and I know this and your own reasons will get you to vote as well! I will be sending you an electronic voter guide with candidates and information on who/what to vote for based on shared values. I will only be reaching out prior to the election and your info isn’t shared with anyone else. Can I add you?
  3. Add them to your network. Users can also use the import feature for a guide.

Click HERE for instructions on how to use Reach and add voters to your network.

Our VOTER GUIDE is ready!!

We’ve thoroughly researched the candidates and the issues that are on the ballot and put together some helpful information ALL IN ONE PLACE.

Click HERE and input your address to get the specific guide for your precinct.

If it is helpful to know how I voted, here are my choices:
(List your choices)

And remember, VOTE as soon as you can. This election is about protecting our fundamental freedoms and every vote is critical. Please call me if you have any questions.

Hurricane Related Messaging:

Acknowledging Hurricane/Importance of Voting to Protect Environment:

Winds, flooding, downed cranes and debris… may be the last thing on anyone’s mind right now. Our community has had two storms within a few weeks and people have suffered losses, experienced high stress and financial instability.  Our recent experience reinforces why electing the right officials to create sound policy to ensure a safer and better environment is so critically important. We have done the research to identify who the best candidates are to ensure our future.  We hope you will use our Voter Guide as a resource to cast your vote in this important election

(CLICK HERE to see your November 2024 Voter Guide.) Vote early and vote down the ballot. If you have any challenges mailing your ballot or dropping off at one of these locations (click HERE for Supervisor of Elections office locations and opening hours.), please don't hesitate to contact me.

For Those Impacted by Recent Hurricanes:

Hurricanes Helene and Milton have turned many of our lives upside down. Here is some information about voting during this time:

It’s safe to mail your mail ballot! U.S. Postal Service delivery services are operating in Pinellas County, and mail ballots are given high priority. There’s no need to add postage; the envelope provided is postage prepaid.

If you have any challenges mailing your ballot or dropping off at one of these locations (Click HERE for Supervisor of Elections office locations and opening hours.), please don't hesitate to contact me. The Supervisor’s office has not yet determined locations and availability of other ballot drop locations.

Click HERE for the Supervisor’s Hurricane Information page, where updates will be posted.

After you’ve submitted your mail ballot, you can track it on the Supervisor’s website and confirm that it’s been counted. Click HERE to track your ballot.

I am also available as a resource to help you make sure your vote is cast and counted.

Why Vote:

Your vote matters and don’t let anyone tell you differently!

Your vote is literally the ONLY way you can directly impact how our country and our local community are governed. Want to protect women’s reproductive healthcare?  Believe that the economy should afford everyone the opportunity to thrive? Think that our political climate should respect everyone’s rights?  We do as well which is why we’re working hard to get out every single vote.  For your sake and for the benefit of those you love, vote, vote early and vote down ballot to protect our fundamental freedoms. And get your friends and family to vote too!

Importance of Down-Ballot Voting:

Voting for President matters.  A lot.  This time at the polls it’s literally about protecting our fundamental freedoms.

But DOWN BALLOT VOTING matters even more to your day to day life.  Down ballot voting has a huge impact on how your local community is governed and it’s amazing how many people don’t vote down ballot. A third or more of those voting don’t fill out the whole ballot.  Truth is many of us just don’t know who or what to vote for on some of the down ballot races and issues.  Not everyone has the time to research every single race but we do still care who sits on the school board and city council.  And we do believe that women should control their own reproductive health care.  Which is why Voter Action Pinellas has done the research and provided you with a VOTER GUIDE.

If you want a say in how your local government works, vote down ballot.

Messaging for Voters Not Yet Signed Up to Vote By Mail:

Why Vote By Mail

Voting by mail means you don’t have to worry about life getting in the way of you casting your vote.  Car trouble on election day?  No problem.  You already voted.  Stuck at work?  No worries.  You already voted.  Sick child or spouse that you can’t leave?  You already voted so you have one less thing to worry about.

Voting by mail gets the whole ballot in your hands early so you have time to research candidates, issues and amendments.  The wording of amendments can be confusing and it’s ever so much easier to read them and research them before election day.  Voting by mail makes it easier to be a truly informed voter. Way less stressful.

Voting by mail and tracking your ballot through the Supervisor of Elections system is fun! You can go on line and see when your ballot is received and when your vote is tabulate d.  It’s satisfying to know for certain that your vote has been counted.    Click HERE to learn how to track your ballot.

Mail in ballots are NOT forwarded by the USPS.  If you’ve moved or been displaced due to Hurricane Helene or simply want your ballot sent to a different address for any reason, you must complete, SIGN and return the appropriate form to a Supervisor of Elections office.   Click HERE for the Vote by Mail Request form.

How to Vote By Mail:

Want to vote by mail?   Not sure how to sign up for a mail in ballot?

Click HERE for specific instructions.

Early Voting:

Why Vote Early

Click Below for Shareable Link

Link to Simon's message.

Voting early is a smart strategy.

Voting early lets you know that your vote was cast and counted before election day. And it gives you time to troubleshoot IF a problem arises so you KNOW your vote will count.

Voting early helps us and other volunteers focus our resources prior to election day on those folks who have not yet voted.  Since every single vote is critical, freeing up resources to get out stragglers is key.

Thanks for VOTING EARLY!

Early In-Person Voting

You can vote early and in person from October 21st to November 3rd.

Click HERE to see where and when you can vote early.

Election Day Voting:

Don’t miss your chance to be counted!

Your vote matters.  Your vote IS your voice.

You can make a difference in how your community is governed and you can help ensure that our fundamental freedoms are protected but ONLY IF YOU VOTE.

Click HERE to find your precinct and polling place.

If a Voter Does Not Appear to Have Voted:

Have you voted yet?

Our records show that you haven’t cast your ballot but that may be due to a data lag. The Supervisor of Elections site may have more up to date information.

If you already voted…thank you!

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