To maximize our turnout for 2025 and 2026 elections, we must renew our mail ballot requests and make sure all of our like-minded friends and family do the same.
All FL mail ballot voter requests expired after last November’s election. So if you haven’t already done so, please renew your request.
You can see here how critical mail ballot signup is. Pinellas voters who were signed up for a mail ballot had a 95% turnout rate last November. Those who were not signed up had a 70% turnout - a 25 percentage point difference.

It’s even more dramatic in municipal elections. The turnout for voters in last March’s Municipal elections was 61% for those signed up to vote by mail, and only 12% for people who were not signed up. A difference of almost 50 percentage points.

When you get into Reach you’ll see that some voters will be tagged DROPPED VBM ‘24. Those voters were signed up for a mail ballot for last November but haven’t yet renewed their request. These voters are a high priority. They likely want a mail ballot and may not know they have to renew their request.

Reach will also show you voters who live in places with a March 2025 municipal election. These voters are the highest priority. Mail ballots for the March election will be mailed by Feb 6, and we want to be sure that our March voters are signed up to receive them. They can request a ballot after the 6th, but it’s much better if they receive it on time, so that they can vote early.

You can text, call, or email your voter information about renewing their mail ballot request or signing up for a mail ballot for the first time. Just click the icon on the voter’s home screen.

We have a preloaded message that you can send as is –but we hope that you will personalize your message to each of your voters.

We’re getting mail data directly from the Pinellas Supervisor, and we’re updating Reach as we get it. So you’ll be able to see when your voter has signed up.